Prima Magazine and Mills & Boon

Prima Magazine and Mills & Boon have put their considerable skills together to set up this competition for a new romance writer.

Winning would bring you publication of that first chapter in prima and a one-to-one session with  an M&B editor and you might see your 50,000 word novel published. Closing isn’t until 31st March so plenty of time to think about it.


Oh, and it’s short. 1,000 word synopsis and 800 word first chapter.

Name that Character: Be immortalised in e-print

Iconic landmarks are something Edinburgh does in quantity. Among them, however, is one special church: the Church of St John the Evangelist situated at the west most corner of Princes street on the edge of the gardens.
Like all iconic buildings, it must adapt and upgrade to maintain its place and meet the requirements of a modern world. Plans are underway for a major upgrading and details can be read on the church’s website. Here’s the fundraising page of the website:
6.00pm – Auction of Things Money Can’t Buy
Ever wanted to take a trip in a vintage Bentley or have your family tree researched for you? Then come along to the auction of ’Things That Money Can’t Buy’ at St John’s Church Hall on Thursday 29th of January 2015 from 6pm , all proceeds and donations in aid of the Development Project. Refreshments and entertainment on a ‘Burns Night’ theme from 6pm.
Now maybe you aren’t too keen on abseiling down any towers? Or eating too many chocolate cakes? Really? So here’s what I’m offering to help the cause. The chance to become a character in one of my books.
Daisy’s Dilemma is scheduled for e-publication by MuseItUp during the spring of 2015. I’m offering the chance to have two characters named after successful bidders or their nominees. For the gentlemen, one character will be the coachman who drives the Edinburgh relatives to London. And for the ladies, the neighbour of Daisy’s aunt, Lady Beatrice, who lives in Queen Street, 1822.
Pop along to the live auction at St John’s Church Hall, Princes Street, Edinburgh or leave your telephone bid in advance with the church’s fundraiser, Charlotte Bray, on
0131- 221 2271

Upcoming events and news



My lovely publishers, MuseItUp have contracted Daisy’s Dilemma to appear later this spring.

Exciting in itself, but I’ve teamed up with Edinburgh fundraiser, Charlotte Bray to create something even more exciting.

Daisy’s dilemma is a continuation or spin-off from my debut historical novel, Mariah’s Marriage and picks up the story of sparky, restless Lady Daisy Mellon. It’s almost complete, but with edits still to come, there was scope to accommodate Charlotte’s exciting offer.

It might make a one-off pressie for the person who has everything.

It does make an interesting idea for pressies in those awkward Jan/Feb months when Christmas is so recently past.

It might be just what you’re looking for.

Come back next week and find out what. Mariah’s Marriage UK Mariah’s Marriage US Bella’s Betrothal UK Bella’s Betrothal US

2015 and what was 2014?








This lovely shrub is among many I saw when I visited Australia in 2011. In the last few years I’ve enjoyed a lot of International and national travel and encountered some amazingly beautiful scenery.

Some scenery is naturally occurring, but some is man-made.




Australia’s Blue Mountains





Landmark creation

Landmark creation








Stories, too, come just as your mum told you or crafted and polished. 2014 offered many stories from experience for me to store away and use as time ripens them. There were births and deaths: acts of kindness and of malevolence: a Scottish referendum: illnesses and recoveries: journeys and home-comings.

Travel broadens the mind and this year, I’ll be off again. some of it will be returning to places already visited and some of it will be new experience. Hope to bring you photos and anecdotes in due course. In the meantime, I have a new e-book coming from MuseItUp, Daisy’s Dilemma and Mariah’s Marriage may be with us in the Linford Romance series.

Hope you’ll be along for the ride and thank you, dear readers, for your wonderful support in 2014. i really loved reading your comments and visiting your own blogs. Anne
 Mariah’s Marriage UK Mariah’s Marriage US Bella’s Betrothal UK Bella’s Betrothal US