Fascinating I Am: novelist Jackie Ley


Continuing the series of Five Fascinating I Am Facts, Novels Now welcomes Jackie Ley, writer, and author of The Angels of the Jardin Massey. Take it away, Jackie…

Fascinating Fact One 

Twelve years ago I had the last rites administered by an Episcopalian minister in a church in St Andrews. I was taking part in a production of the medieval mystery play ‘Everyman’, adapted by the director so that ‘everyman’ became ‘everywoman’. It was a wonderful role to play, but a little disconcerting to feel so literally on my death bed!

Fascinating Fact Two 

 In 2002 I was interviewed by Jenni Murray on Woman’s Hour. I’d long been in awe of this legendary BBC presenter who pulls no punches, one of the reasons her interviews make compulsive listening. The subject of the interview, my memoir No Ordinary Child (Wild Goose), is a series of meditations as a Christian mother prompted by my middle son James having the courage to ‘come out’ as gay. James took part in the BBC interview with me. As a recent drama graduate from RSAMD (Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama) he carried it off with far more aplomb than I could muster.

Fascinating Fact Three

In the early 90’s, just before the country plunged into recession, I bought a shop premises in the Fife coastal town of Elie. For three years I ran an antiques/gift shop/tearoom. Elie in deepest February is like a scene from High Noon with only a few drifts of tumbleweed in sight. But I loved the stock buying at antique auctions and trade fairs, and discovered that no-one spends money like Glaswegian women on holiday in the heady tourist season.



My most popular sales line was papier mache geese (sounds unlikely I know), each with its name inscribed on its foot. My only survivor is Geraldine who moved with me to France and currently lives on top of my fridge.

Fascinating Fact Four

 I relocated to SW France with my husband on a bit of a whim. My first ‘fascinating me’ experience in a foreign land was a tryst with our landlord at midnight at Montaubon station. He was travelling from Paris and would be carrying a vintage brown leather suitcase. Needless to say, he missed the train and finally appeared an hour later than arranged. Meanwhile I sat at Montaubon Station, deserted, apart from the guy with the dreadlocks and two Alsatians. However, nothing in a writer’s life is wasted and it emerged as a piece of life writing entitled ‘Briefcase Encounter’ which was a runner-up in the 2012 Society of Women Writers & Journalists competition.

Fascinating Fact Five

I love antiques. Usually I can’t afford them, but on one memorable visit I became a Lovejoy style divvy. A French family arrived at the Troc ahead of me with a trailer load of assorted stuff. An unframed oil painting caught my eye, a wistful looking little girl in 16th century garb holding a tiny bird. I haggled.



and bought it for what was then 180 francs (£18.00 equivalent). My girl had a certain presence so out of interest I had her valued by a local antique dealer who offered me 5000 francs. If it had been 50,000, I’d have been tempted. As it was, she became part of the family and recently moved with us to northern France. She also proved to be writing inspiration in the form of a short story with a magical realism twist, ‘A Family Matter’.



Book cover

THE ANGELS OF THE JARDIN MASSEY also has a strong magical realism element. It can be bought from amazon here

Jackie’s website is http://www.jackieley.co.uk

Jackie is on Facebook here

Thank you so much for dropping by, Jackie. I have my copy of the Angels of the Jardin Massey tucked into my kindle and am looking forward to it.


http://goo.gl/pASdjp Mariah’s Marriage amazon US
http://goo.gl/NxYxj5 Mariah’s Marriage UK
http://goo.gl/PKptQg Bella’s Betrothal US
http://goo.gl/5RBzIm Bella’s Betrothal UK




Exquisite Quills Monday Wash-line

Exquisite Quills kindly invite other writers onto the blog and, in the comments, we can post a snippet of our work.

Today, it’s what the characters are wearing. I chose a tantalising snippet explaining, I hope, why Mariah and her female staff are overwhelmed by Tobias’s appearance. It’s here with some others, if you’re interested.

Rankings on special 77p/99c Bella’s Betrothal: Ends Midnight (Canada)

Here’s the snap from yesterday’s amazon.com. Passed in a blink, but it was good to know. Thank you, readers. Enjoy.

Bella's Betrothal
Kindle Edition


77p/99c Special Price Bella’s Betrothal 24th – 27th July ’14

Bella’s Betrothal is very special to me at all times, but my publishers are marking its importance to them with a promotional weekend price of 77p/99c


Bella's Betrothal 77p/99c

Bella’s Betrothal 77p/99c




Also for other reading formats Bella’s Betrothal is available from the MuseItUp bookstore:



Fascinating I am – Author Christine Richards

A couple of posts ago, I shared five fascinating facts about me, you might not have known. Today, I’ve invited fellow Edinburgh based writer, Christine Richards, to spill the beans. Christine has had a long and varied career including many distinguished years as an Edinburgh councillor and recently a spell as a member of the Edinburgh Festival council. Her debut novel, Whitewalls, is shortly to be joined by Autumn At Whitewalls.





   Fascinating Fact One I love horse racing-especially with Frankie Dettori. I used to own a racehorse called Trebonkers.
                                                                                         Fascinating Fact Two Falconry    – my favourite bird has always been a Great Grey Owl called Najavo who is an excellent communicator and always recognises me with owl squeaks. (Picture by John Coon)
Fascinating Fact Three   Coal mining. In the early nineties I helped to reopen Monktonhall Colliery in Midlothian together with a group of miners and enjoyed going underground with them wearing, of course, appropriate overalls and miner’s hat.
                                                                                                    Fascinating Fact Four I’m a big fan of Dame Edna Everage (Barry Humphries). Last year I bought and sent to him/her a cougar fur covered hot water bottle because at an event I attended to meet him he/she told me how cold he had been the previous night at his 4 star hotel in Edinburgh. He sent a lovely thank you saying he would take the bottle everywhere
with him and think of me ……………………
Fascinating Fact Five     I do life drawing and have exhibited my efforts at the Scottish Arts Club and WASPS studios in Edinburgh.
Goodness what a varied set of Fascinating facts, Christine. Plenty of life material there to draw from.
Christine’s Whitewalls, published by New Generation, is available from amazon, here:

Amazon Author page


I love writing dialogue-rich historical romance with lashings of humour and a swirl of thematic mystery. Never short of a word myself, my heroines defy and manipulate the conventions of their time with sparkling wit. Heroes with a touch of arrogance must be ripe for comeuppance and that’s what my ladies are about. Edinburgh provides a glorious Georgian and Regency setting for Bella and London for Mariah. I’m lucky to live in one and regularly visit the other.

Thought I’d use some of the bio writing skills I practised at RNA Harpers Adams conference last weekend to update my amazon profile. Main change is to omit the playwriting references so readers can better see what they’d be buying.

The talk was called Write to Sell Yourself and was given by Clare Mackintosh. Excellent, I thought.

http://goo.gl/pASdjp Mariah’s Marriage amazon US

“Oh, Mariah, let us not quarrel. We will be married within the month. At least your papa’s house contains plenty of books. You may practise throwing them.” anne stenhouse

http://goo.gl/NxYxj5 Mariah’s Marriage UK

http://goo.gl/PKptQg Bella’s Betrothal US

 …a solitary figure ahead among some gorse and shrubs. Charles thought she made a beautiful picture in her riding habit with the exquisite hat Jenny Menzies wished to inherit. He thought the girl might get it sooner rather than later if he followed his instincts. At that precise moment, he wanted to shake Bella hard. Then he would lock her in the castle in Strath Menzies and hold her forever. anne stenhouse

http://goo.gl/5RBzIm Bella’s Betrothal UK

Fascinating I Am

Amy Winchester, Press Officer at Harper Collins, said recently that authors ought to pay attention to what is interesting about them as a person because nobody wants to interview a book. The full post from the online Romance Festival is here. So what’s interesting about me? Can I find five things you didn’t know, Dear Reader?

Fascinating Fact One:  I’ve been able to knit since I was four – taught by my granny.

The colour of romance Image courtesy of Gregory Szarkiewicz / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The colour of romance
Image courtesy of Gregory Szarkiewicz / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Fascinating Fact Two:

I’ve swum in the sea off Stromboli.

Fascinating Fact Three: I have medals for Highland Dancing prowess.

Dancing shoes with medals

Dancing shoes with medals

Fascinating Fact Four:

Food is my favourite food. Oh, all right, spinach soup with a dash of cream and sprinkling of nutmeg.

Fascinating Fact Five: I have been interviewed on telly. Lasted maybe ten seconds, so there’s opportunity for the other fourteen minutes and 50 seconds. Thanks, Andy, something to aim for.

So there you go. What is it that the reading/writing public doesn’t know about you? Share it here.

http://goo.gl/pASdjp Mariah’s Marriage amazon US

“Oh, Mariah, let us not quarrel. We will be married within the month. At least your papa’s house contains plenty of books. You may practise throwing them.” anne stenhouse

http://goo.gl/NxYxj5 Mariah’s Marriage UK

http://goo.gl/PKptQg Bella’s Betrothal US

 …a solitary figure ahead among some gorse and shrubs. Charles thought she made a beautiful picture in her riding habit with the exquisite hat Jenny Menzies wished to inherit. He thought the girl might get it sooner rather than later if he followed his instincts. At that precise moment, he wanted to shake Bella hard. Then he would lock her in the castle in Strath Menzies and hold her forever. anne stenhouse

http://goo.gl/5RBzIm Bella’s Betrothal UK


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