Cold Semolina Cake, anyone? What’s in a Name?

I make a cake from a Delia Smith recipe called Greek Orange and Almond Cake. It’s delicious and it has semolina as a main ingredient. I never call it ‘Cold Semolina Cake‘. Do you see why?



What’s in a Name is a dish of mead or a poisoned chalice.

Paragraphs I was writing yesterday were about Drama and Articles for a short guide Edinburgh Writers’ Club will be offering our new members. So, it kept me focussed on stage right/left while Drama sat at the top and on Key sentences/link paragraphs while it was Articles. That is what the working title does for me. It pulls me up when my over-active imagination heads off at a tangent.

MARIAH’S MARRIAGE was great in that respect and fortunately MuseItUp were happy to keep it. Then I was working on a second and again choosing BELLA’S BETROTHAL prevented  a slide into other characters’ back stories. Yes they’re interesting, but they aren’t what tempted the reader into the book. That was the promise to reveal all about Mariah’s marriage and Bella’s betrothal.

The post below in August’s round robin was about secondary characters taking over. A scenario that most writers are familiar with. It usually needs a bit of plotting discipline, or a firm smack from the copy editor, to bring the novel back on track. Sometimes neither of these are available and the result can be so disappointing. I hate being psyched up to read something and then get into it to discover the book is not properly described by its title.

Much agonising goes into selecting titles and I understand how sometimes the wrong choices can be made. It must be vexing to be told a house used your working title for another publication too recently to use it again. Possibly that’s when the mind, like a computer, crashes and what emerges is inappropriate.

Title selection depends on content, but also on other work by the writer, by their publishers, by other writers in their genre or field. It’s almost always wise to say on the tin what’s in the tin.

What struggles have you had finding titles? Let’s hear about the ones you’re really happy with and the ones you regret. Mariah’s Marriage amazon US

“Oh, Mariah, let us not quarrel. We will be married within the month. At least your papa’s house contains plenty of books. You may practise throwing them.” anne stenhouse Mariah’s Marriage UK Bella’s Betrothal US

 …a solitary figure ahead among some gorse and shrubs. Charles thought she made a beautiful picture in her riding habit with the exquisite hat Jenny Menzies wished to inherit. He thought the girl might get it sooner rather than later if he followed his instincts. At that precise moment, he wanted to shake Bella hard. Then he would lock her in the castle in Strath Menzies and hold her forever. anne stenhouse Bella’s Betrothal UK


Round Robin Secondary Character Mayhem









The one and only true Rhobin comes up with some awesome topics. Have you ever had a secondary character take-over the story? Well, yep! Being a fair-minded sort of gal, I’m maybe too inclined to let everyone have a say.

And then look what happens…

Mariah’s Marriage, e-pub, MuseItUp 2013

Tobias, Earl of Mellon is giving us an advance picture of his younger sister, Daisy:

“She’s a minx, I’m afraid, John. Not that that is very different from the behaviour of many young ladies at her stage in life.” He shuddered. “God help any man who got Daisy out of duty.”

Then we see the young lady herself in the Fox morning room:

London Girl

London Girl

“Miss Mellon…”

“Actually it’s Lady Daisy, being the daughter of an earl, but as I’m certain we’re going to be excellent friends, I insist you call me Daisy.” The girl rushed the words out and Mariah was not surprised when her mama intervened.

“Katerina Grizelda Anne Di Torres are the baptismal names available to my daughter, Miss Fox, but she chooses to be known by a name that she overheard in the pantry.” The countess uttered the words in sharp staccato…


Daisy gives us an opinion:

“I think this must be the man who was supposed to be escorting you yesterday, Miss Fox,” Lady Daisy said. “I recognise him from the earl’s description: too old, too fat, and too stupid.”

HOWEVER, this is Mariah’s Story, so she (well, me of course, but you get the point) fights back:

“I understand the nature of dependency only too well, Lady Daisy,” Mariah said. “I am also terrifyingly well-educated and sadly able to recognise the mendacious nature of your remarks,” she added without heat, before turning and walking away from them.

And yes, Daisy Mellon would not go away. You’ll be able to discover whether she gets her own way early next year when MuseItUp bring out her story. DAISY’S DILEMMA. 

More intriguing clashes with the wayward natures of made-up characters can be read by visiting the blogs below.

Marci Baun
Anne Stenhouse
Fiona McGier
A.J. Maguire
Beverley Bateman
Diane Bator
Margaret Fieland
Victoria Chatham
Connie Vines
Geeta Kakade
Rhobin Courtright

Fascinating – I Am Sara Jayne Townsend, crime and horror writer

Sara Townsend

Today’s guest, Sara Jayne Townsend is a UK-based writer of crime and horror. She was born in Cheshire in 1969, but spent most of the 1980s living in Canada after her family emigrated there. She now lives in Surrey with two cats and her guitarist husband Chris. She co-founded the T Party Writers’ Group in 1994, and remains Chair Person.

The first two books in her amateur sleuth series about Canadian actress Shara Summers will be released by MuseItUp Publishing in 2014. DEATH SCENE, the first book (and a re-release) will be available from 22 September, with the sequel, DEAD COOL, released on 25 November.

Fascinating Fact One

I started writing stories age 6. This was the age at which I first learned how to write.  Before that, I was still making stories up; I just didn’t know how to write them down.  I used to tell myself a bedtime story every night, using one of my toys as the central character and making up their adventures as I went along.  So the correct answer to the question of “how long have you been writing stories” is “since always”.

Fascinating Fact Two

I am the only left-handed person in a family of right-handed people. People are more aware these days that left-handed kids learn things differently – when I was growing up I was just accused of being incompetent.  I got told off for putting the knives and forks the wrong way around when I was asked to set the table.  I couldn’t tie shoe laces until I was eleven – the way the loops went around just made no sense to me.  And knitting – I struggled with knitting.  My right-handed mother tried to teach me many times but it just seemed so awkward and eventually I lost patience and gave up.  I now realise why I struggled – like so many things I was being taught how to do it right-handed and it wasn’t working for me.  Unfortunately the experience has now put me off knitting, sewing, crocheting and other crafty things for life. Dead Cool 200x300

Fascinating Fact Three

I am one of the world’s clumsiest people. All my life I have fallen over, walked into things, knocked things over.  I bash my knee on my desk daily.  At least once a week I misjudge walking through a door and bash my arm or shoulder on it.  I regularly trip over and fall on apparently flat pavements.  I am never without at least one bruise somewhere on my person.  I think it is mostly because I am never thinking about what I am doing or where I am going.  My mind is generally elsewhere – usually deep in the current work in progress.

Fascinating Fact Four

In spite of what I said above, I have never broken a bone (though I hope I am not tempting providence by admitting this in public). I have sprained my ankle (and always the left) three times, I have torn tendons, pulled muscles, had numerous horrendous bruises and ended up with concussion when I fell down the steps of the tube station one rainy winter’s day and bashed my head against a brick wall.  But my bones have remained intact – not even a fracture.  I must be getting plenty of calcium.

Fascinating Fact Five

sara bass

From my early teenage years I have harboured a secret desire to play bass guitar in a rock band. A couple of years ago I decided to come out with this secret ambition and began to take lessons, encouraged by my guitar playing husband.  I’m still something of a beginner, but we’ve been doing open mic sessions together around our local area, and I really enjoy getting up on stage and playing the rock chick part.  I just wish I’d been brave enough to give it a try years ago.




DEATH SCENE BLURBDeath Scene 200x300

Poking around in family closets produces skeletons…

British-born, Toronto-based, actress Shara Summers turns amateur sleuth when her sister is stricken with a mysterious illness. Summoned back to England to be with her family during a time of crisis, Shara discovers doctors are at a loss as to what’s causing Astrid’s debilitating sickness.

After her aunt is found dead at the bottom of the stairs the death is deemed an accident. Shara suspects otherwise. Her investigation unearths shocking family secrets and a chilling realization that could have far-reaching and tragic consequences that affect not only her own future, but Astrid’s as well.

DEATH SCENE is coming 22 September from MuseItUp Publishing:

You can learn more about Sara and her writing at her website at or her blog at

Edinburgh’s Online Book festival

Edinburgh’s online book festival hosts several residencies. 19-21 August features three posts about researching the historical by Sheila McCallum Perry.

And I’m tonight’s featured author. Some of my answers to Sheila’s interview questions also form part of the other two posts.

Rejection Blues – All part of the Writer’s Journey

Rejection was sitting at the top of my inbox this morning.

Rejections that say, ‘a well written piece with clearly defined characters’, leave you floundering.

The last rejection said ‘You have a fluid, natural and compelling writing style and we were intrigued,’

The rejection at the RNA 1-2-1 was cloaked in such positive language, I believed it meant success.

Success is a spider ready to disappear into the plug-hole.

Foolish Writer. Words clearly don’t mean what the dictionary definition tells you.

On to the next… Mariah’s Marriage amazon US

“Oh, Mariah, let us not quarrel. We will be married within the month. At least your papa’s house contains plenty of books. You may practise throwing them.” anne stenhouse Mariah’s Marriage UK Bella’s Betrothal US

 …a solitary figure ahead among some gorse and shrubs. Charles thought she made a beautiful picture in her riding habit with the exquisite hat Jenny Menzies wished to inherit. He thought the girl might get it sooner rather than later if he followed his instincts. At that precise moment, he wanted to shake Bella hard. Then he would lock her in the castle in Strath Menzies and hold her forever. anne stenhouse Bella’s Betrothal UK


Fascinating I Am – Regency Author Lindsay Downs

Another set of fascinating I Am facts and a new genre. Novels Now is honoured to welcome best-selling Crime and Regency writer, Lindsay Downs.


Forthcoming Release: September 1st '14

Forthcoming Release: September 1st ’14

Welcome and good morning, afternoon or evening, depending on where you live in the world. The facts I’m going to give you about me, I hope you find them if not fascinating at least interesting.

Fascinating Fact One

I’m addicted to writing. Even when neck deep, a feeling we all have at one time or another, in edits when I take a break I open up the newest book I’m writing and work on it for a few minutes. This helps me clear my mind so I can attack the edits refreshed.

Fascinating Fact Two

When I started writing back in 2006 I worked third shift as a security guard. Later I was transferred to second shift. Because of these work hours I got in the habit of writing at night. To this day, having been retired for several years I still can only write in the late afternoon and into the night.

Fascinating Fact Three.

One of the first things I did after finding a place to live was locate the nearest Starbucks. You see, besides writing, I need my daily dose of a half-café Pikes Peak with nonfat milk and double cupped. Only then, upon returning to the boarding house where I live I can write.

Fascinating Fact Four

Some people, from what I understand, need absolute silence to write while other listen to music. For me it TV but only certain shows. I write mystery and suspense so I love watching crime drama shows-Castle, NCIS, NCIS: LA, Major Crimes to name a few. My goal is to figure out the bad guy before the end of the show. I will then make sure my books are written so you, my readers, can’t. If I make you go to the end to find out ‘who done it’ then I’m doing my job as an author.

(I recognise – and confess to Castle and NCIS. Love the character chemistry and the clever humour/drama mix.)

Fascinating Fact Five

And finally- I love reading regency and for years said I’d never write this particular genre. Now that’s all I write.

On September 1, 2014 I have my newest releasing, The Earl’s Spitfire. It’s available for preorder ($0.99) at these links then on September 8 the price will increase to $1.99. Fear not though, good people, it will be on Amazon starting on release day.






At a house party a midnight gallop on a purloined horse leads Lady Sophia Walker into something she wasn’t expecting-a marriage proposal.

Barely knowing Lord Peter Gardner, 7th Earl of Modbury, Sophia devises a unique plan to make sure they will get along.

What neither realizes, there’s another, Lady Agatha Crumbly, wishes to become Lord Gardner’s countess and will stop at nothing to achieve her goal.

Returning to London Peter lives up to his promise. As they learn about each other he soon finds out she has an infinity for a certain flower. To help prove his devotion to her he proceeds to deck out his town carriage in them.

As the date of their wedding quickly approaches Lady Crumbly makes another appearance, this time threatening Sophia.

Will Lord Peter Gardner arrive in time to save his beloved from death, or will the other win what she wants?

A little of Lindsay’s Bio

Lindsay has a few thoughts on how one becomes a best-selling author. As some of us would love to be best-selling authors, I’ve included them below. Thanks, Lindsay, for all your insights and for visiting Novels Now.

Lindsay says: What does it take to be a bestselling author? Determination, skill, talent, luck or taking a risk with a venture into a totally new genre. For me it was a little of some and a lot of the others.

In 2008 when I got two books published I thought it was due to skill; little did I know it was more luck than anything. Over the next three years I wrote, submitted, got rejected. I then did what I tell everyone who asks; I wrote some more. I didn’t give up.

More on a dare than anything I tried my hand at a regency, one of the most difficult genres because of the rules, which I might add I broke almost every one. Within two days of its release the book was on a best seller list and stayed there for two months.

Turns out it is all of the aforementioned.

After two failed marriages, one from divorce while with the other died unexpectedly I decided upon retirement to move. That opportunity came in September 2012 when I migrated to Texas.

For me, as a multipublished author, it was one of the best things I’ve done to date. Now, every day I can write, creating stories to take my readers to places they can only dream about.

I’m also a member of the Published Authors Network (PAN) by the Romance Writers of America (RWA).



Where you can find me-


Facebook Pages-

Twitter- @ldowns2966



Lindsay Downs-Romance Author-



Festival – itis

After the Night Before

After the Night Before

Festival – itis is a serious, but treatable, condition. It’s contracted by persons whose lives are compromised by over-indulgence in an art form. Some difficult to manage cases involve more than one art form.

Edinburgh during August and early September is a challenging place to be if your addiction to an art form is live. Remember, there’s no shame in admitting this. None at all.

If the art form you struggle with is Books and Reading, then avoid Charlotte Square while passing through Edinburgh. Also there are book shops selling new books. These sit cheek by jowl with book shops selling old books.

Is Drama your passion? Really hard few weeks for you, then. The Traverse Theatre in Cambridge Street should be avoided at all costs. More shows in rep than you can imagine and mostly of five and four star quality. You’ve been warned.

Amateur Drama? Oh dear! Turn back now or be prepared for three and a half weeks of sleeplessness.

What about Music? Classical, orchestral, chamber, ethnic, guitar, solo voices, choral voices, pipe-bands, big bands, one-man-bands … Really, you need ear-plugs, but take care: visitors do find our traffic hard to manoeuvre. and there are the trams: silent except for the bell, apparently.

Dance? Okay, the Playhouse may give you the shakes, so stay away from the East end and watch out for the Edinburgh Festival Theatre. It can sneak into that space and they’ve erected a Studio Theatre now, too.

Opera? Well, the Festival Theatre needs steering around for you.

Street Theatre My own personal addiction is listening-in. Other than adopting artistic purdah for the month, there’s no cure for this one. Characters are all around. Enjoy.

Art – Is Art your art form? Sculpture, painting, drawing, screen-prints, textiles… It’s really easy to see a gallery – they’re generally quite large purpose built buildings. Or they’re a converted school. Keep your antennae polished.

Okay, so you’ve been warned. I’ll probably see you there. I was at Bloody Trams last night. review is here Mariah’s Marriage amazon US

“Oh, Mariah, let us not quarrel. We will be married within the month. At least your papa’s house contains plenty of books. You may practise throwing them.” anne stenhouse Mariah’s Marriage UK Bella’s Betrothal US

 …a solitary figure ahead among some gorse and shrubs. Charles thought she made a beautiful picture in her riding habit with the exquisite hat Jenny Menzies wished to inherit. He thought the girl might get it sooner rather than later if he followed his instincts. At that precise moment, he wanted to shake Bella hard. Then he would lock her in the castle in Strath Menzies and hold her forever. anne stenhouse Bella’s Betrothal UK
