Round Robin – Christmas Writing

The lovely Rhobin has set another interesting topic: During the sometimes hectic holidays do you find it hard to find writing time? If not, how do you handle it with the expectations of others to visit and share time together? Or do you appreciate taking a vacation from fiction to  enjoy time with family and friends?

Yes, I do find it hard as I’m the chief cook in this house, although I do have a bottle washer. Actually running a kitchen where you make something and continue in that vein or with the results is an ongoing task and it takes up a lot of organisational skill.

For example, if you cook a turkey, then there’s always a carcase and stock to make. Once you have stock, you need to make soup…  If you ordered too much cream and bought too much cheese, and who didn’t, then pudding or pasta recipes need to be looked out.

It’s all a bit like writing a novel – keep it wet along the edge and everything will be fine.

Other people are always a bit uncertain about how a writer works. Do you have a routine? is the favourite question and it’s hard to answer. ‘Sort of’ is the best I can do. Curiously, I find my most productive moments are the hour before a meal when I would be cooking it, if anyone was home to eat it. Maybe one creative energy substitutes for another.

And yes, it is nice to take a vacation from writing sometimes. Get out into the country and walk. Go to the theatre. Visit folk. shop in the Sales where the wonder of human nature is seen – red in tooth and elbows.

But finally, who can say they don’t get a lot of ideas and inspiration from gatherings of relatives, whether they are your own or others?

I love Christmas, but Do Not Buy Me A Onsie. You have been warned.


If writers’ method interests you, then follow on to Rachael Kosinski and any of the other great bloggers listed below. Thanks for dropping by. I’ll be continuing my Winter Wonder story for the darker days on Monday. You can catch up on it by scrolling down.


BELLA’S BETROTHAL an entertaining romance with humour and a touch of thematic mystery.



Skye Taylor
Diane Bator
Beverley Bateman
Connie Vines
Anne Stenhouse
Rachael Kosinski
Marci Baun
A.J. Maguire
Bob Rich
Hollie Glover
Rhobin Courtright

6 thoughts on “Round Robin – Christmas Writing

  1. I promise, no onsies. Taking a break always feels like such a luxury to me. Since I am retired from my day job, writing IS my job and I’m the boss. I hate to disappoint my boss so I try to keep producing, but when I finally tell myself it’s okay to take a week off, it feels delicious. Of course there are always ideas percolating in my head and sometimes, even on break, I have to wake the computer up and start typing before I forget them all.


    • Hullo Skye, Yes, I’ve never developed the habit of noting down ideas. I do it from time to time and it’s an invaluable source. Must try to think of myself as the Boss. sounds like a useful trick, Anne


  2. I love to bake but luckily no longer have to do as much of the cooking, and I agree, writing is a lot like cooking. After Christmas I have a long week to write before new obligations begin.


    • Hi Beverley and thanks for dropping in. Yes, things do run on, but they also – I suppose that’s like when the cake breaks into pieces and suddenly you need to serve trifle. Merry Christmas, Anne


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