Scariest Moments

Life’s scariest moments often begin as nothing unusual.

The one I want to talk about happened when I was a young civil servant and had travelled to London. The trip involved an overnight stay and because I was very junior and did not have a London Club, I was placed in a modest hotel which also had many visiting tourists.

Among these there was a young man who was very drunk. He was fascinated by me. He liked my Scots’ accent. He loved my rippling, shoulder length red hair. He wouldn’t take no for any kind of answer. Eventually, I escaped the vestibule and got to the safety of my room.

Rooms were not en suite in those days and I encountered this pest again when I went to the bathroom. He was very drunk, but he saw that his room was next door to mine. Within minutes of getting back to my room, I was terrified by banging from inside my wardrobe. The man had opened the wardrobe in his room and climbed into it. From there he was banging on the plywood separating our two rooms and yelling, “Hey Miss Redhead.” I can only assume he passed out.

I hadn’t remembered this incident for years until Robin suggested a scariest moment topic for our monthly blog hop. Now, I wonder whether it was a subliminal basis for the opening of Bella’s Betrothal: “I trust, ma’am, you will not scream.” Chilling words spoken by Charles Lindsay who has climbed, not through a wardrobe, but a window from a pend and entered Bella’s room in the dark hours.

So what other scary events are related by the rest of the blog group. First up is A J Maguire: A.J. Maguire But the complete list is below, if you like that sort of thing.

Thanks for dropping by… Remember Mariah’s Marriage is half price on amazon and in the MuseItUp book store until 31 October ’14.

“Oh, Mariah, let us not quarrel. We will be married within the month. At least your papa’s house contains plenty of books. You may practise throwing them.” anne stenhouse Mariah’s Marriage UK Mariah’s Marriage US

 …a solitary figure ahead among some gorse and shrubs. Charles thought she made a beautiful picture in her riding habit with the exquisite hat Jenny Menzies wished to inherit. He thought the girl might get it sooner rather than later if he followed his instincts. At that precise moment, he wanted to shake Bella hard. Then he would lock her in the castle in Strath Menzies and hold her forever. anne stenhouse Bella’s Betrothal UK Bella’s Betrothal US


 Blog tour:

Heidi M.
Skye Taylor
Anne Stenhouse
A.J. Maguire
Rachael Kosnski
Margaret Fieland
Geeta Kakade
Marci Baun
Beverley Bateman
Victoria Chatham
Diane Bator
Fiona McGier
Rita Karnopp  NEED URL
Ginger Simpson
Rhobin Courtright

8 thoughts on “Scariest Moments

    • Yes, but if I’d had a fraction of the confidence of my Bella, that young man would have had elicited a different reaction. One of the really scary things about that kind of encounter is how we naturally try to be’nice’. I should have insisted the management called the police. anne


  1. You’re right, Anne. Women are conditioned to always be polite. You should have called someone to complain about him. The best tip for avoiding rape is to teach men not to do it. Unfortunately, over-drinking can make even the most polite man forget his manners.


  2. Anne, I share the feelings you had…hindsight and self confidence comes with time and maturity.
    At the moment you must have done what Bella did, ‘frozen’. I remember that first scene with Charles so well and loved the way Bella’s Betrothal took off from the runway of your mind!


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