Susie Medwell tagged me in her post, The Next Big Thing. The Next Big Thing invites writers to answer ten questions about their next project. Thanks, Susie. Susie’s post is here:

I am tagging Pamela Kelt, Mary Smith and Audrey Reimann.

Here are my takes on the questions posed.

Qu One: What is the title of your next novel? MARIAH’S MARRIAGE. It’s also my first novel.    Mariahs Marriage

Qu Two: Where did you get the idea for the story? There’s a sort of mist of ideas in my head and occasionally things distil out. I suspect the idea for Mariah came from a visit to a large country house in Scotland called Fasque. They had an integral schoolroom on display where the estate children were taught. Then the questions come. Who taught them? And that’s where Mariah gets her cue.

Qu Three: What genre is your book? It’s historical romance with a lot of dialogue and a lot of humour.

Qu Four: Who would play your hero and heroine in a film of the book? Oh, that’s hard, but can I have Ashley Jensen and Richard Armstrong please?

Qu Five: Give a one sentence synopsis of the story. When Mariah is knocked over by a pig her world of service to education collides with the privileged world of aristocrat, Tobias, and nothing is the same thereafter.

Qu Six: Are you self-published or represented by an agent? Neither. I sent Mariah out with her visiting cards and she was invited into the MuseItUp drawing room. She’s been made very welcome there by editors Judy B Roth and Greta Gunselman who were both incredibly patient and helpful with this newbie.

Qu Seven: How long did it take you to write the first draft? That’s really hard to answer because there are so many things happening at once and when you’re still seeking publication, you’re spread very thinly. I wrote the first chapter for New Voices although it has changed so much even I struggle to recognise it. I finished the book for the New Writers’ Scheme of the RNA. There was a lot of lie time. Maybe 12-14 months.

Qu Eight: What other books would you compare this story to in your genre? I think it comes out of the Jane Austen, Susan Ferrier, Georgette Heyer, Louise Allen tradition. Lots of story, humour and dialogue.

Qu Nine: Who or what inspired you to write this book? All those young women who struggled as assistant teachers in the early days of education for the masses. It must have been so hard to secure recognition for themselves and to educate children who were hungry and whose parents wanted them to be out earning.

Qu Ten: What else would pique readers interest about your story? Well, he does the chasing.

Mariah’s Marriage is e-published by MuseItUp of Canada on 3rd May. There’s a Notify me button here:

6 thoughts on “THE NEXT BIG THING

    • Thanks Téa, It was a good way to get comments from people kowledgeable in the field and to feel encouraged. You’ll not be surprised to know I’m really happy with it. Editing added so much polish. Anne


  1. Your book sounds great, Anne. I’m really looking forward to publication. I wrote my novel The Silk Romance through the RNA’s New Writers’ Scheme, and it was a great epxerience. Good luck with the launch


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